The Ultimate Fusion of CMS & Gedcom

Integrating WordPress and TNG


How to Integrate WordPress with TNG

I was asked by someone who viewed my posts in the TNG forums if I could do an integration for her and then provide step-by-step instructions that were “simpler” than the ones provided on the TNG Wiki. I did the integration and then decided to set up a demo site to demonstrate some of the possibilities for customizing your setup. These instructions assume a basic knowledge of your web hosting control panel and ftp clients.

UPDATE: Since TNG v.10.1 was released, I have moved away from using the original WordPress TNG Plugin. These updated instructions are for those who wish to continue using the original plugin, but be aware that the integrated login function no longer works. There will be a new post added with my own instructions for using the Kloosterman method.

UPDATE as of 2023: Due to the advancements in WordPress and especially the advent of the WordPress Block Editor and the various page builders, I no longer support nor will provide instructions for integrating WordPress with the WordPress TNG Plugin. Instead, I am using only integrations based on the “Kloosterman Method.” You can find the instructions here.

As always, for simple help with integrations, I am more than willing to help in any way I can. However, for anything more complicated, including installs and configuration, I must charge the standard fee.

[Updated 07-07-2023]